“I’m a life prisoner, this is the first event in 17 years”: Independence Day celebrated at the Prisoners’ Hospital

The event organized at the “Prisoners’ Hospital” penitentiary institution of the Ministry of Justice on the occasion of the RA Independence Day was accompanied by national songs and dances, hospitality, and awards.

Father Zenon Barseghyan, the spiritual pastor of the Catholic Holy Mother of God and St. Anna churches, was present and announced the start of the event with his blessing.

Such events will be continuous, notes Robert Tamaryan, the head of the “Prisoners’ Hospital” penitentiary institution, congratulating and emphasizing the importance of Independence Day. He expressed gratitude and awarded the organizers of the event.

Individuals receiving medical care at the “Prisoners’ Hospital” penitentiary institution note that they are satisfied with the hospital conditions, and on ordinary days, they try to make their daily routine more interesting.

For more details, see the video.


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