Judge in R. Kocharyan and others’ case comments on video circulating online and his alleged ties to the Civil Contract party

“Since December 2018, I have had no connection with the Civil Contract party or officials of that force. I have never been politicized and have not engaged in politics. I only submitted an application to hold a political position in the legislative body in 2018,” Anti-Corruption Criminal Court Judge Sargis Rafik Petrosyan told Iravaban.net in an interview.

Earlier, we reported that the case of RA 2nd President Robert Kocharyan, Yuri Khachaturov, Seyran Ohanyan, and Armen Gevorgyan has been assigned to the aforementioned judge. The latter was a candidate for MP from the “My Step” faction in Shirak region during the 2018 parliamentary elections.

“The offer to be included in the list came from the political team as a lawyer, and I gave my consent and submitted an application to become an MP. My number was not passable. Then I wrote an application and said to terminate my membership in the party,” he noted, adding that the “March 1” case has been assigned to him electronically and there will be an exclusively professional and competitive trial.


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