“Levon Kocharyan’s Assistant Found in Violation of Substantive Incompatibility Requirements: CPC Issues Conclusive Report

The Corruption Prevention Commission (CPC) has released a definitive report concluding that Arthur Sukoyan, assistant to National Assembly Deputy Levon Kocharyan, has contravened the substantive incompatibility requirements statutorily mandated for public office holders.

Iravaban.net reports that the CPC’s thorough investigation uncovered that ‘Zark’, a restaurant situated on Tumanyan Street, is operated by ‘S-Yan’ LLC, with Arthur Sukoyan as its sole proprietor.

Official records from the declaration registry confirm that Arthur Sukoyan commenced his role as Levon Kocharyan’s remunerated assistant on November 22, 2023.

Crucially, Arthur Sukoyan’s income declarations, as recorded in the State Register Agency’s electronic database, contain no entry regarding the transfer of company shares to trust management. His declarations disclose work remuneration and/or equivalent compensation of 840,500 drams from ‘S-Yan’ LLC. Furthermore, he declared loans or bank deposits amounting to 25,000 USD and 10 million AMD, with ‘S-Yan’ LLC cited as the debtor in both instances.

On June 13, 2024, the CPC formally initiated proceedings concerning Arthur Sukoyan’s apparent contravention of incompatibility requirements. In his formal response, Sukoyan submitted the following objection:

“‘S-Yan’ LLC, which I established, has ceased all practical operations since September 1, 2023. The entity has persisted solely in a de jure capacity, and I have neither participated in its activities nor taken any measures to orchestrate or execute its operations. At my behest, the company’s operations were suspended on July 8 of this year; complete dissolution is presently unfeasible due to outstanding obligations, including financial liabilities. Through the suspension of the LLC, I have demonstrably rectified the alleged infractions. Consequently, I petition the Corruption Prevention Commission to terminate the proceedings initiated against me.”

The CPC’s report meticulously notes that ‘S-Yan’ LLC maintained its status as an active commercial entity as of July 3, 2024 (the date of the official inquiry response). Significantly, from November 2023 to September 6, 2024, the company made no tax remittances to the state treasury. The company indefinitely suspended its activities effective July 10, 2024.

It is pertinent to note that the position of a National Assembly deputy’s assistant is classified as a discretionary state office. Article 31, Part 1 of the Law on Public Service explicitly stipulates that public office holders and civil servants are prohibited from occupying positions incongruous with their status in other state or local self-government bodies, holding any position in commercial organizations, engaging in entrepreneurial activities, or performing other remunerated work, with exceptions made for scientific, educational, and creative pursuits. Arthur Sukoyan was legally obligated to transfer his company shares to trust management within one month of assuming office, as prescribed by law, and to take decisive action to relinquish his position as the company’s executive body leader.

The Commission’s report concludes: “Despite the company’s temporary suspension of activities from July 10 (coinciding with our ongoing proceedings) and the absence of reported sales turnover during the period under review, information furnished by the State Revenue Committee incontrovertibly indicates that the company disbursed (or computed) salary and other equivalent payments to Arthur Sukoyan during this timeframe (with the salary obligation accruing within the reporting period). Based on this evidence, the Commission unequivocally concludes that Arthur Sukoyan was actively employed by the company and received (or had calculated in his favor) salary and other equivalent compensation for his services (computed based on actual hours worked).”

Hasmik Sargsyan


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