Levon Kocharyan and Sirusho’s Declared Assets and Income for 2023

National Assembly deputy Levon Kocharyan has submitted his asset and income declaration for the 2023 reporting year.

According to Iravaban.net, Kocharyan resides with his wife, Siranush Kocharyan (known professionally as Sirusho), and their children, Mikael, Robert, and Zabel Kocharyan.

This information is accessible from the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption’s register of officials’ declarations.

Real Estate

At the year’s outset, he declared:

  1. A parking space
  2. An apartment
  3. Two non-residential spaces in multi-apartment buildings

All located in Yerevan and owned under joint ownership. Kocharyan acquired the parking space in 2009, received the apartment as a gift the same year, purchased one non-residential space in 2012, and the other in 2013.


At the beginning of the year, he owned:

  1. A 2013 Toyota model
  2. A 2019 Toyota model

Levon Kocharyan acquired these in 2013 and 2019 respectively.

He also had a 2020 Lexus model under his control.

Shares and Other Investments

Levon Kocharyan owns:

  • Shares worth 100,000 euros and 300,000 dollars
  • Stakes worth 5,000 rubles and 1,074,000,000 drams
  • One share received as a gift from his brother, Sedrak Kocharyan, valued at 31,830,000 drams

Loans Given and Returned

During 2023, he:

  1. Gave a loan at 8.3% interest rate to “Zemkominvest” LLC, amounting to 244,452,574 rubles
  2. Provided two interest-free loans to the Armenian Powerlifting Federation:
    • 4,270,000 drams
    • 9,000 dollars

Note: Kocharyan chairs the Armenian Powerlifting Federation NGO.

Bank Account Balances

At the beginning of the year:

  • 318,386 drams
  • 6,700 SEK
  • 834 dollars
  • 30.15 dollars
  • 490,500 drams

By the end of the year:

  • 314,885 drams
  • 6,700 SEK
  • 36,079 dollars
  • 10.15 dollars
  • 12,363,650.9 drams
  • An additional 153,129 drams

When assuming office, he had balances in 10 banks totaling 64,747.59 drams, 6,700 SEK, 769.27 dollars, 16,732 drams, 75.1 euros, 217.4 dollars, 154,010 drams, 0.95 euros, 108.48 dollars, and 18,363,209 dollars.


  • Beginning of the year: 12,000,000 drams
  • End of the year: 3,000,000 drams

Income for the Reporting Year

Levon Kocharyan received income from 5 sources:

  1. “Nairi Insurance” company:
    • Salary: 19,799,451 drams
    • Dividends: 285,000,000 drams
  2. National Assembly salary: 2,413,785 drams
  3. “Target Group” rent: 8,190,166 drams
  4. “Self Plus”: 5,749,750 drams

Total income for 2023: 321,153,152 drams

When assuming office, he had also received income from two additional sources: “Nairi Insurance” company as insurance compensation and as a loan (credit).

Additional Expenses:

  • Vacation: 3,200,000 drams
  • Tuition or other course fees: 5,400,000 drams

Business Interests

Kocharyan has stakes in:

  1. “Excel Outdoors” LLC – 0.7%
  2. “Mudelaizer AB” LLC – 0.46%
  3. “Zemkominvest” LLC – 50%
  4. “Nairi Insurance” CJSC – 60%
  5. “Space Management” LLC – 33.3%

As of the day he assumed office, Levon Kocharyan had declared participation in these 5 commercial organizations:

  1. “Zemkominvest” LLC (50% since 2014),
  2. “Mudelaizer AB” LLC (0.46% since 2015),
  3. “Excel Outdoors” LLC (0.7% since 2016),
  4. “Space Management” LLC (33.3% since 2015),
  5. “Nairi Insurance” CJSC (60% since 2008):

Sirusho’s Declaration

Levon Kocharyan’s wife, Sirusho (Siranush Kocharyan), has also submitted a declaration.

Real Estate

During the 2023 reporting year, she declared:

  • Two non-residential spaces in multi-apartment buildings in Yerevan’s Central administrative district, acquired under joint ownership

Securities and Bank Account Balances

Sirusho had securities in two companies:

  1. Worth 100,000 drams (acquired in 2010)
  2. Worth 800 dollars (acquired in 2018)

Bank balances at the beginning of the year:

  • 1,300 dollars
  • 504,291 drams
  • 5,976 dollars

Bank balances at the end of the year:

  • 890 dollars
  • 1,169,432 drams
  • 10,167 dollars

Income for the Reporting Year

  1. Armat LLC: 255,500 dollars (dividends)
  2. “Sirusho Production” company: 2,883,189 drams (salary)

Total income for 2023: 101,958,424 drams

Vacation Expenses

Sirusho spent 2,300,000 drams on vacation.

Mariam Antonyan

The main photo was prepared using images published on Levon Kocharyan’s and Sirusho’s Facebook pages.


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