The Patrol shot at the Nissan’s Tire, but the Driver did not stop: the Patrol was taken to the Hospital

On 23 June, at 3:55 p.m., Erebuni Police Separtment received a report from the “Erebuni” Medical Center informing that as a result of the accident on Arin Berdi Street, the ambulance team took a patrol officer for medical treatment.

On 23 June, at 2:00 p.m., Patrol Officers on Arshakunyats Avenue noticed a Nissan car with tinted windows. The police ordered the driver by loudspeaker to stop, but the driver continued his way to Tamantsineri Street. The Nissan stopped there and the patrol officer attempted to approach the vehicle. At that moment, the driver of the “Nissan” abruptly broke away from the scene and tried to escape, after which the patrol officers requested additional police squad via radio communication.

Grossly violating the public order, the Nissan driver reached the Artashat highway, and then changed the direction to Arin-Berdi street, where he deliberately hit the patrol car that came to help and flees again.

A 33-year-old patrolman who was injured there was taken for medical aid, while the other squad continues to chase the violator.

In order to prevent the possible consequences of the Nissan driver’s inappropriate behavior and erratic driving, the pursuing patrolman shoots at the tire of the Nissan with a pistol attached to him, but even this precautionary measure did not help.
Driving erratically again, the Nissan driver entered Mantashyan Street, where he hit an Opel and has to stop. At 2:45 p.m., the driver was arrested and taken to the Erebuni Police Station on suspicion of obstructing the legal activity of the police officer, intentionally hitting a police and a civilian vehicle.

His identity has been revealed: he is a resident of Mantashyan Street, 23 years old. The young man and the prepared documents were submitted to the investigative department of Erebuni and Nubarashen administrative districts. The young man was taken to the place of detention of the arrested, and the “Nisan” was taken to a special guarded area.

he circumstances of the incident are being clarified within the framework of the initiated criminal proceedings.

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