I am really pleased to announce that High School of Yerevan Polytechnic has officially become an International Baccalaureate world school, which is the first IB authorized school with state status in Armenia. Gor Vardanyan, the Rector of the National Polytechnic University of Armenia reported.
“The introduction of the International Baccalaureate Diploma program in our high school was one of the most important provisions of my development concept as a candidate for the Rector of NPUA, the implementation of which has been started by our team since 2021.
During these years, our team, together with international partners, has carried out extensive professional work, in particular, the selection, training and certification of pedagogical and administrative staff. According to the IB standards, we have developed five policies, curriculum and subject syllabi for the planned subjects.
We will welcome the first students admitted to the IB program of the NPUA High School From September 2024.
The topics covered in the programs, the approaches, principles and methods used are chosen so that the graduates of the program are equipped with the abilities to carry out research work. It is extremely highly valued, both in the National Polytechnic University of Armenia and in the leading universities of the world.
The graduation certificate of the international baccalaureate “Diploma” program is recognized by the world’s leading universities. Graduates who have overcome the complexities of the International Baccalaureate Diploma program are able to overcome the complex requirements of the university much faster and easier than graduates of any other system.
You can see the NPUA Yerevan High School on the official website of the IB world school network, at the following link: https://ibo.org/school/062724/, the Rector noted.