The Soldiers say, “He saved us, but he died”: Major Levon Balbabyan was a Participant in Two Wars

“He was really smart, truly clever and studied well, he was an excellent student,” Raphael Balbabyan, the father of Levon Balbayan, who was immortalized in the 44-day war, told within the framework of ” Immortal Victims of the Artsakh War” series of

Major Levon Balbabyan, deputy commander of the “Black Panther” battalion, was killed in the Omar mountains. He was discharged from the army and after a short time continued his service as a contract soldier. Father and son participated in the Four-Day April War as well. “He was in Omar, and I was in Mrav.”

On 27 September, 2020, when Azerbaijan unleashed a large-scale war against Artsakh, it was Levon’s day off, but when he learned about the war, he rushed to the battlefield.

“He called and said, Dad, if you leave the house, I will leave the army and come home,'” the father recalls and tells about his last phone conversation with his son.

On 19 October, Rafael Balbabyan rushed to his son; he had to deliver some things to him. “I left Yerevan, he called me and said, ‘Dad, do not hurry.’ I had not reaching the “Eagle”, when the connection terminated. He had two numbers, I called them, and both were unreachable. Nothing came to my mind. Then I learnt that he was killed. By the time I got there, it was too late.”

Details in the video.

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