The Names of the Victims are known: The Ministry of Internal Affairs published Data

The rescue operations resumed from 7.30 on 27 May. 75 rescuers, 13 combat units, and 3 operative groups from the Rescue Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs went to the scene.

According to the operational situation, the search and rescue and urgent emergency prevention work continues, as a result of which 429 people were rescued and evacuated from different settlements in Lori and Tavush marzes by rescuers and other involved forces, namely, 387 people in Lori marz, 42 people in Tavush marz.

4 corpses were found at the disaster site (Avag Avagyan, born in 1948, Saribek Balyan, born in 1985, Gnel Zakaran, born in 1964 and Gagik Nazlukhanyan, born in 1964).

Currently, the evacuation of the residents of the Sanahin Station settlement, the drainage of water from the basements of the flooded buildings, as well as the removal of the blocked truck in the Haghpat settlement are being carried out.

Please note that in order to receive necessary and urgent information, the 911 telephone number of the rescue service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has been announced as a Hotline.

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