Water Supply has been stopped in a Number of Lori Communities

Water supply has been stopped in a number of Lori communities. “Veolia Jur” informs.

“As a result of the flooding of the Debet River, the Alaverdi-Archis-Noyemberyan water pipeline is under water, due to which water supply is currently suspended in the cities of Alaverdi, Akhtala, Ayrum, Haghtanak, Deghdzavan, Hagpat, Neghuts, Shnogh, Teghut, Bagratashen, Ptghavan, Zorakan, Lchkadzor , Chochka, Ayrum Big and Small villages.

As a result of the flooding, problems have also arisen in the city of Dilijan, in one part of which the water supply has been stopped,” Veolia Jur informed.


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