The Roads leading to the “Bagratashen” Checkpoint are impassable: SRC

Due to heavy rains, the roads leading to the “Bagratashen” state border crossing point became impassable.

SRC urges business entities to organize transportation of cargo from Georgia to the Republic of Armenia and in the opposite direction through “Gogavan” or “Bavra” state border crossing points.

It should be noted that Debed, flooded due to the heavy rain that fell at night in Alaverdi, swept away everything on its way. Various sections of the M6 ​​highway are destroyed and impassable, the river has destroyed the road.

On 26 May, 2024, at 00:40, many alarms were received at the National Crisis Management Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the Lori Regional Crisis Management Center regarding the events caused by the flooding of the Debed River.

As a result of the flooding of the Debed River, the 31st km of the Vanadzor-Alaverdi section of the M6 ​​highway was flooded and a section with a length of about 50 m collapsed, a number of houses were flooded on the Railway Street in Ayrum station, an Opel car fell into the river in the section from Shnogh village to Teghut (according to preliminary data there is 1 victim), 1 truck was blocked on the Ayrum-Alaverdi highway (completely in water, 2 citizens on the roof of the cabin), there are flooded houses and livestock barns in the city of Alaverdi.

According to preliminary data, 1 elderly citizen fell into the river, search and rescue operations are going on.

As of 08:00:

The bridge over the Debed River on the way to the Karkop settlement of the Alaverdi community was destroyed. The settlement is flooded.

On the road to Akhtala settlement, the bridge over the Debed River is flooded, there may be destroyed sections, and there are sedimentary areas and fallen pillars on the railway.

On the M6 ​​road in Alaverdi city, on Tumanyan Street, on the road leading to Sanahin district and in the cemetery section of the M6 ​​road, the road is completely covered with water, completely collapsed sites are noticeable. The bridge connecting Sanahin station to Alaverdi city was completely destroyed.

As a result of the flooding of the river in the Shnogh-Teghut section, the road was completely destroyed.
According to preliminary data, there is a car in which there is a citizen in the river in the M6-Teghut section,
In the Pambak community, on the Kobair-Dzoraget section of the M6 ​​road, the road has completely collapsed in several sections. 3 cars are blocked in this section.

70 residents of Dzoraget settlement were evacuated to a safe area.

Rescue service units of the MES serve all cases. 7 combat units, 2 operative groups from the fire-rescue squads of the Lori regional rescue department and 2 combat units and 1 operative group from the fire-rescue squads of the Tavush regional rescue department were involved.

30 combat units and 324 rescuers are working at the scene. 77 citizens were evacuated. The works are going on.

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