CPC Member about Strong Negotiating Position

“Large-scale reforms were carried out at the initiative of the Competition Protection Commission in 2021,  in the legislation of our field, and as a result of the reforms, we had a number of innovations in legislation. One of them was the strengthening of a strong negotiating position. Before that, this institution was not included in our legislation, and the issues were discussed in the context of the dominant position, and if the dominant position refers to the possibility of abuse in the presence of a certain weight in a product market, the strong negotiating position again gives certain information by its name. In particular, when the entity, due to its infrastructure or significant influence, is the platform due to which other economic entities can appear in the market, and without the help, support or involvement of that entity, they cannot appear or it would not be appropriate,” CPC member Tigran Markosyan, speaking about the strong negotiation position.

Details in the video.


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