The maximum amount of compensation demanded in Kazakhstan on the claim for slander and insult was 300.000 EUROs. According to Nelly Arakelyan, Chief Expert–Analyst of Legal Advisory Department of the Constitutional Court of the RA, the claim was satisfied.
Today a seminar on “Slander and Insult: Legal Field, International Practice and Law Enforcement Practice” was organized for the journalists. Nelly Arakelyan informed that they had studied the legal spheres of different countries with regard to slander and insult, and revealed that there was no minimum or maximum compensation level of foreseen in most countries. According to the expert foreseeing maximum compensation level for slander and insult in the Civil Code is a positive initiative.
Facilitator of the seminar, Mr. Ara Ghazaryan, Deputy Director of “ARNI CONSULT” Law Office introduced the results of monitoring of the cases on slander and insults carried for the period of 2010-2012 by the law protective NGO “Rule of Law”. He referred to the term “information sours” and its interpretation by the Cassation Court of the RA as well.
Seminar on Slander and Insult for Journalists