With the case examined in the Special Investigation Service of the RA on June 5 the citizen of the Russian Federation A. Nersisyan was convicted under Part 10 of the Article 316 of the RA Criminal Code for a violation against the representative of the authority.
Special Investigation Service of the RA informs that according to the preliminary investigation on May 30, 2012 at 15:30 when driving in Rubinyan Str. on his “Valkswagen Passad” car A. Nersisyan violated traffic rules and did not obey Traffic Police Inspectors. A. Nersisyan drove car on the inspectors and caused body injuries.
On the same day as a preventive measure A. Nersisyan was arrested for a two-month period and he was taken to Nubarashen Penitentiary of the RA Ministry of Justice.
Car intentionally drove on a Police Inspector