The Chamber of Advocates of the RA showed its negative attitude towards the unacceptable activities of the Court of Cassation, decided to make a one–day strike. This was an extreme way of expressing their protest.
In the announcement of advocates, the Cassation Court takes into account the uncertainty of standards of admitting cassation complaints, there isn’t even a judicial act in which the decision to accept the cassation complaint into procedure is reasoned. Even if we exclude the hypothesis of existence of corruption in the process of accepting the cassation complaint into procedure, people still suspect that those dual standards used by the Cassation Court are not based on corruption.
Another important problem is that the Cassation Court sometimes neglects its own legal position and sometimes makes such new decisions without any explanations that contradict its decisions made previously. The activities of the Cassation Court, the legal uncertainty made by them and lack of transparency make a negative impression on the society about the Judicial System.
The aim of this one-day strike is to direct the attention of judicial authorities on existing problems and perceive the seriousness of the problem and the urgency of finding solutions.
The strike will be on June 11.
The Chamber of Advocates of the RA Goes on Strike