Kristinne Grigoryan assumed the post of the RA Ombudsman

On 23 February, Arman Tatoyan said goodbye to the staff of the Human Rights Defender. Kristinne Grigoryan has been elected the fifth Ombudsman of the Republic of Armenia, and assumed the office since 25 February.

68 deputies voted for her candidacy in the National Assembly, 0 – against. Opposition factions did not take part in the voting.

Grigoryan was elected Human Rights Defender for a term of 6 years. The Ombudsman’s right to immunity and incompatibility requirements applies to the Human Rights defender. The National Assembly shall resolve the issue of instituting criminal proceedings against the Human Rights Defender or depriving of liberty by at least three-fifths of the total number of votes of the Deputies.

It should be noted that Grigoryan was appointed Deputy Minister of Justice by the decision of the Prime Minister on 3 July, 2019, and on 6 April, 2021 – First Deputy Minister.

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