Alen Simonyan will sign Armen Sarkissian’s resignation on 1 February

If the RA President Armen Sarkissian does not withdraw his resignation, the President of the National Assembly Alen Simonyan will sign his resignation not on Monday, but tomorrow, on 1 February. Tsovinar Khachatryan, the Press Secretary of the NA President, said in a conversation with .

“If the President does not withdraw his resignation today in writing, the protocol on his resignation will be published tomorrow at 09:00, and there will be an announcement about that,” she said.

It should be reminded that on 23 January, the 4th President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian issued a statement on his decision to resign, citing one of the reasons as the lack of appropriate tools to influence political events.

The next day, on 24 January, NA President Alen Simonyan announced at the beginning of the NA sitting that Armen Sarkissian was resigning. Pursuant to Article 142 of the Constitution and Part 1 of Article 147 of the Constitutional Law “Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly”, other officials elected or appointed by the National Assembly formally submit their written resignation to the Speaker of the National Assembly, who makes a statement about it..

It should be noted that during the sitting of the Board of the ruling “Civil Contract” Party, the issue of nominating the RA Minister of High-Tech Industry Vahagn Khachaturyan as a presidential candidate was discussed.

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