I am not sure that even the Ministry of Justice can talk about the reasons: Marat Atovmyan on not creating the Fact-Finding Commission

The action plan stemming from the Judicial and Legal Reform Strategy 2019-2023 envisages the establishment of a Fact-Finding Commission, including the development and submission of a draft law on its formation and activities to the National Assembly in 2019-2020, having previously discussed it with civil society actors.

Iravaban.net talked about the topic with Mr. Marat Atovmyan, President of the “Progress” Center for Social Research NGO, a member of the Chamber of Advocates, who expressed his opinion on the work done.

According to him, the non-submission of the draft law on the procedure and activity of Fact-Finding Commission in 2019-2020 to the approval of the Government and its adoption by the National Assembly is a series of unrealized actions.

In response to the question why the Fact-Finding Commission has not been formed yet, the President of the NGO said, “I am not sure that even the frequently changing leadership of the RA Ministry of Justice can talk about the reasons. It is possible that the establishment of such a commission was not important even after it was fixed in the strategy. In any case, one of the important preconditions for good public administration is the coincidence of the case with the one announced.

Marat Atovmyan considers the establishment of a Fact-Finding Commission and its effective activity fabulous.

“The establishment and effective activity of such a commission requires will, professionalism of the commission members, political neutrality, clear mechanisms of the commission’s activity, resources, etc. It is much easier to fix a strategic provision on such a commission than to actually form it,” he said.


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