Vanik Chaloyan was relieved of the post of Assistant to the Deputy Prime Minister Hambardzum Matevosyan

Deputy Prime Minister Hambardzum Matevosyan signed a decision on 24 December, which states:

“Pursuant to Article 9, Part 14 of the Law on Public Service, to releave Vanik Chaloyan from the position of Assistant to the Prime Minister Hambardzum Matjosyan from 24 December, 2021.”

He was appointed to this position on 7 September.

Notably, in December 2019, the ARF expelled three members of the ARF “Nikol Aghbalyan” student union, Artak Melikyan, Vanik Chaloyan, and Anush Hovhannisyan. They were expelled for violating the ARF charter. Expelling in Dashnaktsutyun is the most severe punishment; the expelled persons have no chance to return! The above-mentioned young people were expelled after posting an announcement about their internal party discussions on the “Oughamid yev Azad Tashnagtsaganner” (Direct and fearless members of the ARF) Facebook page, publishing details of the ARF conference in it, and giving an interview on Public TV.

The problem was the sit-in strikes organized by the ARF youth, demanding the resignation of the Minister of Education and Science, to which the above-mentioned three persons were against and refused to participate in the actions.

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