Russian peacekeepers escorted one convoy of about 50 vehicles along the route Shushi – Karmir Shuka

Russian peacekeepers ensured security while escorting a convoy of heavy trucks with construction equipment, materials and food to restore the infrastructure of settlements.

The Russian Defense Ministry reported.

Military policemen escorted one convoy of about 50 vehicles along the route Shushi – Karmir Shuka (Red Bazaar) and back.

“Today, the forces of the military police unit ensured the safety of the passage of the convoy along the route Shushi – Karmir Shuka. This route passes through mountainous terrain, which requires increased attention from vehicle drivers and escort crews. The length of the route is 42 kilometers, about 50 pieces of equipment were escorted in both directions, ”said the representative of the Russian peacekeeping contingent, Peter Krapiva.

While following the route, the automobile convoy crossed five observation posts, which ensure the safety of vehicles in the area of ​​responsibility of the observation posts.

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