The letter of the RA Permanent Representative addressed to the UN Secretary General was circulated as an official document of the UN General Assembly and the Security Council

Permanent Mission of Armenia to the UN informs:

“The letter of the RA Permanent Representative to the UN Mher Margaryan addressed to the UN Secretary General was circulated as an official document of the UN General Assembly and the Security Council, drawing the UN member states’ attention to the attempts of the Azerbaijani authorities to cover up the aggression against Artsakh and self-defense crimes, with false interpretations of Article 51 of the UN Charter.

Referring to the hate speech and belligerent rhetoric constantly voiced by the Azerbaijani authorities, Ambassador Margaryan stressed that the Azerbaijani President in an interview on August 14, the latter admitted that it was Azerbaijan that started the war in September 2020, trying to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in its favor.

In this way, Azerbaijan’s official violation of its international obligations and the unleashing of war in the condition of the global epidemic are officially confirmed, in violation of the UN Secretary-General’s call for an end to hostilities during the global health crisis.”

The letter is available here.

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