The Investigative Committee proposes amnesty for people prosecuted for non-grave crimes who took part in the war

The Investigative Committee of the Republic of Armenia has put into circulation a draft, which proposes to apply amnesty to persons suspected of committing a minor, medium-gravity crime, accused or convicted of that crime, who participated in the 44-day Artsakh war.

The draft was published on the joint website for publishing draft legal acts.

The draft also proposes amnesty for servicemen convicted of crimes against the order of military service under Chapter 32 of the Criminal Code after the cessation of hostilities until the end of martial law on 24 March, 2021.

The draft stipulates that amnesty is applied to wanted persons before the entry into force of the proposed law, who will voluntarily appear before the criminal prosecution bodies by 1 February, 2022, and if the case is pending in court, to court.

The draft defines the scope of application of amnesty, the operation of the law, and the provisions for ensuring its application.

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