I visited Nerkin Khndzoresk community of Syunik region: Mane Tandilyan

Mane Tandilyan, Minister of Labor, Social and Housing Affairs of Artsakh, wrote on her Facebook page.

“Yesterday I visited Nerkin Khndzoresk community of Syunik region. Our Artsakh residents deported from Artsakh also temporarily took refuge in this border settlement.

The purpose of the visit was clear: to get acquainted on the spot, to listen to their concerns.

Within the framework of the visit, I also visited the “ARMENIAN FORCE” social enterprise, founded with the co-financing of the “AURORA” humanitarian initiative and the “Near East Foundation”, where I met our displaced people from Artsakh, who chose work as a way to overcome many difficulties.

The unbreakable and determined will of the people of Artsakh to live and revive our country is invigorating and inspiring.”


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