Minister of Foreign Affairs of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan held a phone conversation with Foreign Minister of Georgia David Zalkaliani

On August 20, Foreign Minister of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan held a phone conversation with David Zalkaliani, the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Georgia. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia congratulated Ararat Mirzoyan on assuming the position of the Foreign Minister of Armenia. He also congratulated the Armenian side on the democratic elections, noting that the strengthening of democratic values ​​in the country is of great importance not only for Armenia but for the region.

Ararat Mirzoyan and David Zalkaliani highlighted the special and friendly nature of the Armenian-Georgian relations and expressed readiness to make efforts towards deepening mutually beneficial cooperation in the spheres of mutual interest. In this context, the sides stressed the importance of high-level mutual visits.

The Foreign Minister of Armenia noted that the consolidation of the traditional mutual trust, consistent dialogue and cooperation will also contribute to regional stability.

During the conversation, Minister Mirzoyan expressed his gratitude to the Government of Georgia for the mediation efforts in the repatriation of the Armenian prisoners of war and highlighted that there are still Armenian prisoners of war and civilians illegally held in captivity in Azerbaijan, and their immediate repatriation is a priority for the Armenian side. Ararat Mirzoyan added that Armenia expects the further involvement of its international partners in resolving this important issue.
The sides discussed the situation resulting from the provocative actions by the Azerbaijani armed forces against the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia. The Armenian side underlined that such behavior of Azerbaijan is a serious threat to regional security and sustainable development.

The interlocutors also touched upon the situation resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic. In this regard, they have emphasized the importance of increasing the volume of vaccinations among the population, as well as the cooperation between the two countries in overcoming the pandemic.

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