A Man took his de facto Wife and his teenage Daughter to Kiyevyan Street and controlled his Wife’s Sexual Exploitation

Narek Stepanyan was accused for sexual exploitation of his wife de facto, with whom he lives in the same flat, through forcing her to get involved in prostitution.


According to information, he reputedly forced his wife to prostitution, through application of force not dangerous for life, and in addition threatened to cause harm to their young daughter or to kill the latter, as well as to deprive the wife from the maternal rights.


On different days Narek Stepanyan forcibly took his wife Karine and their young daughter to Kiyevyan street, where forced the wife to stand in the street to find clients. At the same time he stayed in the taxi car controlled the process of her sexual exploitation and took the money she got for prostitution and used it himself.


The man was accused under the requirements of Clause 2.4 of Article 132 of the RA Criminal Code.


Clause 2.4 of Article 132 of the RA Criminal Code (Trafficking) provides, “recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of persons for the purpose of sexual exploitation or forced labor, by means of the threat or use of force, of fraud, of using the dependence, of blackmail, of threat of destruction or damage, if this was done for mercenary purposes, is punished with a imprisonment for the term of 10 to 14 years, with confiscation of property or without that; and with deprivation of  the right to hold certain posts and practice certain activities for the term of up to 3 years, or without that.”


Narek Stepanyan is arrested. His case is being examined by the Administrative Court of General Jurisdiction of Arabkir and Kanaker-Zeytun Administrative district of Yerevan. The proof to the proceeding is the notebook written by the injured Karine.


Iravaban.net changes the names of the individuals that are parties to the criminal case and does not provide their real names on clear reasons. At the same time the photos may not correspond to the real ones.


Note. Everyone charged with a criminal offense shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty by the court verdict lawfully entered into force as prescribed by Criminal Procedure Code.


Source: Iravaban.net

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