Gegham Stepanyan has been nominated as a candidate for the Artsakh Human Rights Defender

On 23 March, the Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs of the Artsakh Republic National Assembly discussed the issue of appointing the Artsakh Human Rights Defender and the issue of nominating a candidate for that position in the National Assembly. The National Assembly of the Artsakh Republic informs.

Secretary of the “Artsakh Democratic Party” faction Gegham Stepanyan has nominated Gegham Gari Stepanyan, the Chief of Staff of the Human Rights Defender, Executive Secretary.

It was noted that the applicant has the necessary professional and human qualities.

In 2008 – 2014, Gegham Stepanyan studied and graduated from the YSU International Relations, Faculty.

In 2009-2011, he served in the Defense Army of the Artsakh Republic.

In 2014-2016. he studied and graduated the Master’s program of “International Relations – Political Science ”  at the American University of Armenia .

In December 2016 till May 2020 he worked in the National Assembly as an assistant to the NA Speaker.

With tree voices “for” and one “abstention” with the positive conclusion of the Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs  the candidacy of Mr. Stepanyan will be put to the vote in the plenary session .

The NA Speaker, the Deputy Speaker, and deputies took part in the sitting.

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