Levon Ter-Petrosyan issued a statement regarding the statement of the General Staff demanding Nikol Pashinyan’s resignation

The first President of the Republic of Armenia Levon Ter-Petrosyan issued a statement regarding the statement of the General Staff demanding Nikol Pashinyan’s resignation.

The message disseminated on Ilur.am website is presented below:

“I fully understand the indignation of the highest command of the military, the position of the army to interfere in political processes beyond its competence, the reason for which was nothing but the careless attempt of the Prime Minister to blame the army for its humiliating defeat.

At the same time, I would like to welcome the restrained behavior of the military in response to calls and incitements by some forces to incite it to unconstitutional actions. I consider such behavior as an exemplary manifestation of the state mentality of the army leadership, an honest effort to keep the country from destructive shocks, which deserves the sincere gratitude of our entire nation.

At the same time, I find it extremely dangerous and reprehensible for the irresponsible statements of some politicians to present the military coup as a positive way to heal the state, based on successful examples in some countries (South Korea, Egypt). Of course, there are such examples, but there are ten times more cases when coups, becoming periodic, literally led to the destruction of the state, the suffering of the peoples (Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Nicaragua, etc.).

Therefore, it is the duty of all Armenians to be guided exclusively by this consciousness, to do everything so that Armenia does not supplement the list of the mentioned states.”


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