Don’t you prove in this way that the issue of prisoners of war was just a matter of speculation for you? Styopa Safaryan

Chairman of the Public Council Styopa Safaryan wrote on his Facebook page:

“For two months now, the Prime Minister has been told not to go in live, not to write an article, not to write a status, not to give an interview, this is not the time, just bring back the prisoners of war, do something ․․․

Now it has been announced that no matter how much the issues of unblocking all the roads in the region are discussed in Moscow, but it is a precondition that the issue of prisoners of war must be resolved, this time they say do not go to Moscow, we will block your way, we will hold a rally in Moscow․․․

And the Catholicos refused to ask the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, to ask the Pope about the issue of prisoners of war, the Union of Armenians of Russia did not lift a finger about the issue of prisoners of war, in that case where will the issue of prisoners of war be discussed, how will it be resolved?

Do you not prove in this way that under this two-month scandal over the exchange of prisoners of war were only politically dishonest goals and the issue of prisoners of war was just a matter of speculation for you? What if this time too, the relatives of the prisoners of war turn against you and do what Mikayel Minasyan said?”

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