Levon Ter-Petrosyan on the Artsakh issue

A video was posted on the Facebook page of the First President of Armenia Levon Ter-Petrosyan, where he talks about the Artsakh issue during 1991-2017.

According to the video, in one of his public speeches, Ter-Petrosyan mentioned: “The main task in the near future should be:  to harmonize the political course of our independence, the solution of the Artsakh issue. These are the two problems that, as I said, are our cross, we must bear to the end, and they must be our most important problems in the near future.”

In one of his interviews in 2017, the first President of the Republic of Armenia mentioned: “One day the time will come when they will say, well, go, we will send our decision to you by mail, we have nothing to talk to you about. In other words, they will impose that solution, the solution that we can get by agreement with Azerbaijan, will become a forced solution tomorrow.

I have nothing else to say about the territories. Do not give, do not give if you are so courageous. I have nothing to say. But I am sorry for this nation. What are you doing, what are you going to give to the people in return? You can refrain to give the territory, you will give blood to our people, the death of its sons, you will give poverty, misery, exile, and this country will end.

I was the one who didn’t want it? But should we build a state with fairy tales? The fairy tale is soft, it is an adventurism.”

The video is here.


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