Immediately after the situation stabilizes and with the permission of the doctors, President Armen Sarkissian will return to Yerevan

In response to media inquiries, the President’s Office informs that President Armen Sarkissian, who is in isolation due to infection with a new type of coronavirus, has a complicated course of the disease; there are symptoms typical of that condition. President Sarkissian continues the treatment process under the supervision of doctors.

At the same time, due to his health condition, the President is working as much as possible and will temporarily continue to work remotely.

Immediately after the situation stabilizes and with the permission of the doctors, President Sarkissian will return to Yerevan to fulfill his duties.

We once again convey the gratitude of the President of the Republic and his spouse Nune Sarkissian for the words of health wishes and support.

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