We must defeat this darkness: Henrikh Mkhitaryan

Midfielder of the Armenian National football team Henrikh Mkhitaryan made a post on his Facebook page on the occasion of Christmas.

“This year we will celebrate Christmas with a heavy heart. Armenia and Artsakh have a task to recover from both physical and moral wounds of the war. My compatriots have suffered greatly. You need to recover quickly from severe concussions. We must heal our psychological wounds.

Armenia is not just a wounded land, here women, men and children are endowed with extraordinary endurance and strength to stand up. Survivors of the war deserve support to start all over again.

We must overcome this darkness. With everyone’s support, as my Roma did from the first days of the war, I am confident we will recover.

We will continue to build churches, create operas, paint masterpieces, create vaccines, score goals, create innovations, perform, and share them with the world.

Christ was born and appeared,” Mkhitaryan wrote.


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