One group to work in Hadrut area and Fizuli-Hadrut direction to search for possible survivors

The bodies of 4 Armenian servicemen were found during the search operations in Mataghis. Hunan Tadevosyan, head of the information and public relations department of the Artsakh State Emergency Situations Service, said this in a conversation with “Armenpress”.

“On 5 January, 4 bodies of a soldier were found in the Mataghis area. Today the search will continue in the direction of Talish-Mataghis,” Tadevosyan said.

He added that one group will work in the area of ​​Hadrut, in the direction of Fizuli-Hadrut, to search for possible survivors.

As of 5 January, a total of 1,188 bodies were found, including the bodies of civilians.

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