Families of victims and citizens with disabilities will be provided with social assistance

The families of the victims and the citizens with disabilities as a result of the war unleashed by Azerbaijan against Artsakh, will be provided with social assistance in the form of one-time financial assistance.

The Artsakh Information Headquarters informed.

In case of acquiring the first group disability or the status of a disabled child 3,000,000 AMD will be provided:

In case of acquiring the second group disability – 2,000,000 AMD

In case of acquiring the third group disability – AMD 1,000,000

The families of the killed civilians will be provided with AMD 5,000,000.

The beneficiary can submit an application through the e-request.am joint platform or through the “Write a letter” section of the official website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the Republic of Armenia www.mlsa.am.

The deadline for applications is 1 April, 2021


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