Try to direct the assistance programs to the residents of the displaced communities who currently live in Artsakh: Hayk Khanumyan

The Minister of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure of the Artsakh Republic Hayk Khanumyan wrote on his Facebook page:

“Humanitarian organizations and structures working with the displaced population of Artsakh:

Try to direct assistance programs to residents of displaced communities currently living in Artsakh.

Refrain from supporting the residents on the territory of the Republic of Armenia, whose settlements are not under the control of the enemy (exceptions may be the families of the wounded and killed).

I assure you that those who live in Hin Shen, Haterk or Verin Sznek deserve more support than those who have not returned to their homes to date. Offer programs to those who have lost their homes that will encourage them to return to Artsakh.”

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