“My Step” faction MP Varazdat Karapetyan wrote on his Facebook page:
“Distribute my application to Armenian businessmen.
Owners of shops and restaurants, workshops and hotels, and thousands of other small businesses.
The homeland needs your savior today.
Today we start the “10 million drams” movement.
Bestir, collect your last savings, and give them for the protection of the homeland, your family, and your business.
I know you city by city, region by region.
We can do it together.
Share this call, mention the businessmen, now!
Put your transfer receipt in the comment of this post of mine.
The one who stands by the homeland at this moment will be paid a thousand times more by the “state” and the people.
Today, my father transferred the entire profit and savings of his business, 10 million drams, to the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund to have a homeland.