“What are our National Values?” Nikol Pashinyan presented them

Today, on 21 September, the Independence Day of Armenia, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan presented Armenia’s Transformation Strategy: The Pan-Armenian Agenda for the Development of Armenia Until 2050

The strategy has an idea, it has a vision, it has an action, Nikol Pashinyan said, detailing the structure of the strategy.

The Prime Minister also mentioned what are the national values ​​of Armenia: statehood, education, the individual and work.

“It is very important to record in order to avoid political speculations. The question may arise as to why this government is presenting a strategy until 2050. Because we perceive Armenia’s transformation strategy not only as an action of any government, but also as the development and implementation of Armenia’s transformation strategy as a nationwide movement, where state leadership has a very important role, where professional circles should be involved, and, of course, this strategy should be considered by the people,” the Prime Minister said. Nikol Pashinyan noted that this strategy is not only about reforms, but also about transformations that must take place in all types of public relations, as a result of which we will be able to achieve rapid development. Moreover, it is not the case that the strategy should remain accurate until 2050, but the government expects a discussion on it, which may undergo certain changes by the decision of the people, including the expression of the election results.

Details in the video


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