What happens when the Respondent accepts the Claim in Administrative Proceeding?

In the administrative proceeding the respondent may accept the applicant’s claim completely or in part. In such cases the court answers the claim in the part which the respondent accepted, except for the following cases (illegitimate acceptance) when:


1) Such consent apparently contradicts to the law,


2) Such consent apparently violates somebody’s rights and freedoms,


3) A case on the dispute of rightfulness of the normative acts is considered.


The court takes a reasoned decision on the non rightfulness of the acceptance of the claim.


If the respondent accepts the applicant’s claim partially, which the court considers lawful, on solicitation of the parties the court separates an independent proceeding on that part of the claim. The court considered the proceeding completed in this part of the claim and takes a decision.


Source: Iravaban.net

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