Compensation of Expenses to the Persons involved in the Criminal Proceeding

The expenditures made by a person involved in the case for realization of his/her procedural responsibilities shall be compensated.


Pursuant to Article 167 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Armenia, “The following expenses shall be compensated at the state’s budget expense in the manner prescribed by criminal proceeding: Expenses of appearing in the court upon receiving a subpoena of the body which carries out the criminal proceeding cost of the fair for using railroad, boat, automobile (except a taxi) and other means of transportation; and the cost of the plane ticket-upon consent of the body which carries out the criminal proceeding. Average salary which he spent upon the order of the body which carries out the criminal proceeding during the participation in the criminal proceeding, except the cases when they are reimbursed by their work places, i.e., manufactures institutions, organizations or employers.”



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