Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, in response to a Facebook user’s question whether they do not want to reduce meaningless bonuses that can be transferred to pensioners, he said. “First of all, I would like to say that by my decision, high-ranking officials will not receive a bonus in March, and that money will be used to fight against coronavirus.
Let’s consider your offer. You say that the bonuses that have been allocated to the officials by my decision can be allocated to the pensioners. Let’s take a simple action now. 1 billion drams is used annually for that purpose, what will happen if we make your proposal a reality? There are 503 thousand pensioners in Armenia, if we allocate that 1 billion to them, the pensioner will receive 1988 drams annually, and in case of a month, their pension will increase by 165 drams. In fact, you consider it very important to increase the pension by 165 drams. “By our decision, we have already increased pensions 24 times since 1 January, 2020,” he said.