The US will stop issuing Visas to Pregnant Women

The US Presidential Administration intends this week to introduce a rule against the law of the soil – a principle that allows anyone born in the United States to obtain citizenship of this country.

This is reported by with a reference to Axios.

Employees of the US Department of State will be entitled to refuse foreigners in obtaining short-term tourist and business visas (category B) if they consider that they are going to the USA to automatically obtain citizenship.

How this rule will be applied is still unknown. One senior official said that the staff of the American consulates issuing visas “perfectly” understand who is lying when submitting documents.

This is the first step of the US authorities aimed at the abolition of soil law, which is opposed by President Donald Trump. A similar rule can be extended to the customs and border services in the future.

“Maternity tourism” in the United States, according to the Associated Press, is widespread among residents of Russia, China and Nigeria. More than 30 thousand children are born in the United States every year, whose mothers came to the country before childbirth and left it after them.

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