Dispute resolution in the court

The trial is conducted in the oral form.


The trial is conducted by an unchangeable set-up of the court. In case of replacement of the judge during the trial, the case is tried anew.


The disputes and other cases are solved in court based on the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, laws and other legal acts adopted in accordance with them.


If the international agreements of the Republic of Armenia envisage norms differing from the ones stipulated in law or other legal acts, then the norms of the international agreement are applicable.


In case of lack of a law or legal act regulating the disputed relations, the court applies the legal norms (statute analogy) which regulate similar relations. In case of lack of such norms, the court solves the dispute based on the principles of law (law analogy).


In accordance with the law and international agreements of the Republic of Armenia, the court can also apply the legal norms of other countries.


The source: iravaban.net


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