Got acquainted via internet and thieved significant amount of money

The inhabitant of Aragatsotn region Arthur B. was accused of theft of Naira M.’s money in significant amount, which was committed with the use of computer. He got acquainted with her via Internet connecting to it with the use of his mobile phone, while being in jail.


The accused is detained in custody as a measure of restraint.



According to Part 1, Article 181 of the RA Criminal Code theft of somebody’s property in significant amount committed with the use of computer, is punished with a fine in the amount 100 to 300 minimal salaries, or with arrest for up to 2 months, or with imprisonment for up to 2 years and with or without a fine in the amount of up to 50 minimal salaries.


Note: Everyone charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty by the court verdict lawfully entered into force as prescribed by Criminal Procedure Code.


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