Drug Smuggling Gets Creative

Criminals are for the most part not all that bright but sometimes their creativity is amazing. Drug traffickers notoriously go to great lengths to slip their product past inspectors and detection devices at airports and border crossings. Last year it was posted about diamond and drug smugglers swallowing their booty in an often misguided attempt to avoid detection. Condoms filled with cocaine are one trick that can result in death if one of the condoms breaks.



Now two other clever methods have popped up:



A Panamanian woman was recently arrested in Barcelona, Spain as she attempted to smuggle 3 pounds of cocaine secreted inside her breast implants. She was detected during the X-ray examination.



The other is a very unique pneumatic-powered canon that fires barrels packed with marijuana over the border near Yuma. It didn’t work, at least this time, but you have to give them an A for creativity.

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