The military servant is charged in committing violent sexual actions with a person under 16

The Court of General Jurisdiction of Kotayk region is considering a criminal case brought against Arman A. He is accused of committing sexual actions against the Valentina V. in the bedroom of his house on 12 August 2012, at 20:00 p.m., by taking advantage of the aggrieved person’s helplessness, while being drunk. The conducted crime is stipulated in Part 3, Article 139 of the RA Criminal Code. Arman A. was taken into custody as a measure of restraint.


According to Part 3, Article 139 of the RA Criminal Code sexual actions against the aggrieved, by using force against the latter or other persons, or threat of using force, or by taking advantage of the aggrieved person’s helplessness done against an aggrieved under 14 years of age, is punished with an imprisonment for the term of 4 to 10 years.


Note: Everyone charged with a criminal offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty by the court verdict lawfully entered into force as prescribed by Criminal Procedure Code.

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