Top female judge arrested and questioned by police

Constance Briscoe, one of Britain’s few black female judges, was arrested at her home in south-west London at the weekend, reports Global Legal Post.
Ms Briscoe, 55, was taken to a police station for an interview and later released on bail, pending further enquiries, reports The Independent newspaper in London.
However, neither the Kent Police nor the Office for Judicial Complaints would comment on why the judge has been arrested.

Police investigation
According to the newspaper, a spokeswoman for the Office for Judicial Complaints said: ‘The Lord Chief Justice and Lord Chancellor have suspended Constance Briscoe from the judiciary pending the outcome of the police investigation into the allegations against her. It would be inappropriate to comment further whilst the investigation is active.’
Ms Briscoe gained high-profile status through her writing – including the publication of her 2006 book ‘Ugly’ – an appearance on BBC programme Question Time and various mentions in newspapers.
Legal profession
In ‘Ugly’, Ms Briscoe recalled her traumatic childhood, including an attempted suicide. She followed up on the book’s success with ‘Beyond Ugly’, which detailed her leaving home, rebuilding her confidence and entering the legal profession.
Ms Briscoe studied law at Newcastle and was called to the bar in 1983.

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