Investigation to find out the Circumstances of Junior Officer Gegham Yeghiazaryan’s Death is conducted

An Investigation to find out the circumstances of the death of Gegham Yeghiazaryan is conducted in the Eight Garrison Investigation Department of the General Military Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee.

RA Ministry of Defense military unit noncommissioned officer Yeghiazaryan was found dead, on 05.09.2016 at around 3:30pm, in a cliff under a rock that shortens the road to the military position of the protection area of the same military unit.

External examinations of the crime scene and the corpse have been conducted and forensic medical examination of the body has been commissioned.

The necessary investigative activities are undertaken in the Eight Garrison Investigation Department of GMID of the RA Investigative Service to find out the circumstances of the death of Gegham Yeghiazaryan. Additional information on the examination results will be provided.

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