According to the RA Government decision N 955 on the traffic rules of the Republic of Armenia and the approval of the list of malfunctions and conditions preventing the operation of vehicles, emergency lights should be switched on in cases of:
1) Traffic accidents;
2) Forced parking in places where parking is banned;
3) The driver’s blindness caused by the street lights;
4) Towing (on the vehicle being towed away).
The driver has to switch on the emergency light also in cases when it is necessary to warn the other drivers of dangers on the road. After switching on the emergency light (also when it is broken or absent) the “emergency stop” sign needs to be switched on immediately (flashing red light) in cases of:
1) Traffic accidents;
2) Forced parking in places where it is banned, as well as in places where the vehicle can’t be noticed by other drivers due to poor visibility conditions. After fulfilling this requirement, the driver has to follow the instructions specified in the clause 83 of the rules.
Guided by the necessity to warn other drivers in time, the “emergency stop” sign is located not less than 15 m far from the vehicle in inhabited localities and 30 m out of the inhabited localities.
If the emergency light is absent or broken the “emergency stop” sign is placed on the back of the vehicle that is being towed away.
It is prohibited to use the emergency sign for one’s own benefit.
Important Preconditions that One needs to know when turning on the Emergency Lights