During the recent days, the media circulated information, which distorted reality, it was noted that the Special Investigation Service refuse without any explanation to initiate criminal case against the police chief Vladimir Gasparyan for the violence against Shant Harutyunyan and others based on the statements made in the court by defendant Vardan Vardanyan.
Back in November 2013, the MP Nikol Pashinyan had filed an application to the Special Investigation Service related to the reports of Shant Harutyunyan and Vardan Vardanyan. The Special Investigation Service had prepared materials on the provided information. As a result of the undertaken actions, obtained explanations, and analysis of the information it the fact of circumstances that the police chief and his subordinates had applied physical or psychological violence against Shant Harutyunyan and Vardan Vardanyan was denied.
On 14 November 2013 initiation of the criminal case was denied on the reasoning of the absence of crime. The copies of the decision were sent to the parties including to Shant Harutyunyan and Vardan Vardanyan in the provided order. The procedure for appealing the decision was explained as well; however it was not appealed in the specified terms.
The RA Criminal Procedure Code does not provide a procedure for re-consideration of the issue on initiating a criminal procedure based on the similar statements of the same persons about the same case.