Judge Tatevik Grigoryan’s Assets and Income

Judge Tatevik Grigoryan of the Yerevan Court of First Instance of General Jurisdiction has submitted her declaration of assets and income for the 2023 reporting year. Iravaban.net presents the data submitted to the Corruption Prevention Commission.

By decree of the President of the Republic of Armenia on February 24, 2015, she was appointed as a judge of the Court of First Instance of General Jurisdiction of Ajapnyak and Davtashen Administrative Districts of Yerevan.

According to the RA NA Law No. HO-34-N of December 21, 2017, she continues to serve as a judge of the Yerevan Court of General Jurisdiction.

Real Estate 

A declared apartment is located in the Arabkir administrative district of Yerevan.


Tatevik Grigoryan has declared a Lexus brand car manufactured in 2012, which she purchased in 2019.

Loans Given and Returned 

The judge borrowed 2,690,800 and 40,123,700 AMD from “Mikshin” LLC. The amount remained unchanged at the end of the year.

Bank Account Balances 

In one of the banks, there was 597,289 AMD at the beginning of the year, which increased to 725,349 AMD by the end of the year.


The declared cash at the beginning of the year was 10,000 USD and 21,000,000 AMD. These amounts remained unchanged at the end of the year.

Income for the Reporting Year from 4 Sources 

During 2023, Tatevik Grigoryan received income from the following sources:

  1. State Revenue Committee: 3,011,199 AMD
  2. Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs: 72,000 AMD
  3. “ACBA Credit Agricole” Bank (loan): 1,772,498 AMD
  4. Supreme Judicial Council (salary): 11,260,369 AMD 

The total income amounted to 16,116,066 AMD.

Outstanding Balance of Received Loans and Borrowings as of December 31 of the Reporting Year 

The judge took out a loan with a total outstanding principal balance of 39,898,956 AMD, of which:

  • 1,772,498 AMD is for an unspecified purpose
  • 38,126,458 AMD is for a mortgage to purchase an apartment

Loan Repayments Loan repayments amounted to 5,455,353 AMD.

It is also noted that Grigoryan is a member of the Union of Judges of the Republic of Armenia.

Mariam Antonyan


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