Jurisdiction of the Courts of the Republic of Armenia over Cases in which Foreign Citizens participate

Often a foreign citizen may be a party to a civil case. In case of disputes in such cases there is a need to settle the question, but the only remedy for it is settlement through the court. And then the question whether the Court has jurisdiction to consider the case in which one side foreign citizen arises.
The courts of the Republic of Armenia try cases in which foreign citizens participate, if the defendant resides or finds himself in the territory of the Republic of Armenia.
The courts of the Republic of Armenia are also entitled to try civil cases with participation of foreign citizens, if
1) there is an agreement to that effect between the citizen or legal entity of the Republic of Armenia and the foreign person;
2) the defendant has property in the territory of the Republic of Armenia;
3) in cases concerning divorce, one of the spouses is a citizen of the Republic of Armenia;
4) the case concerns the damage to one’s health or due to the death of the bread-winner inflicted in the territory of the Republic of Armenia;
5) the circumstances or other actions which served as the ground for the demand to compensate for the damage inflicted to the property, took place in the Republic of Armenia.
6) the affiliate or representation of the foreign person is located in the Republic of Armenia.
7) the action follows from an agreement whose execution took place or must take place in the territory of the Republic of Armenia.
8) the action follows from an ungrounded enrichment which took place in the territory of the Republic of Armenia.
Observing the rules established in this Article, the court solves the accepted case in essence, even though in the course of trial, due to the change of location of the case participants or other circumstances, the case falls under the jurisdiction of another state’s court.



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