Central Electoral Commission of the Republic of Armenia denied the Application of Raffi Hovhannisyan’s Representative

One of the three issues of the agenda of extra session of the Central Electoral Commission was the discussion of the application of Raffi Hovhannisyan’s proxy Armen Martirosyan.


The application stated that Serzh Sargsyan, Candidate to the RA President had opened 1600 election headquarters to support his election campaign. The spaces of the headquarters were rented and over 1600 posters representing Serzh Sargsyan’s name and his motto were posted.


According to the applicant the cost for the rent of office spaces and publication of the posters had not been included in Candidate Serzh Sargsyan’s declaration provided to the CEC.


In addition the market costs for the rent of these 1600 office spaces and over 1600 posters exceeded for more than 10 times the maximum costs of 100.000.000 AMD set by the CEC for the pre-election campaign. And under such circumstances the CEC must analyze the mentioned facts under the range of its authorities and apply to the court with request to recognize the Presidential Candidate Serzh Sargsyan’s registration invalid. The media publications were attached to the application as well.


Tigran Mukuchyan, Chairman of the Central Electoral Commission of RA, read the entire application, and further clarified the whole necessary information through questions and answers.


CEC decided to reject the application.


Source: Iravaban.net

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